Rest day: A day of learning, window shoe shopping, and recovering

Today is rest day and I plan on doing the same old same old, just without the running or the strength training.
After all, I've been living the same old same old for the past five years, and I've only started running and exercising a week ago.
The Learning Part of my Day
And because I'm a newbie, I have a lot of questions. My most pressing ones at the moment:
- What should my diet look like to make the most out of my training?
- Should I be doing stretches before and after my runs?
- What weight lifting / strength training do I need to do — specific to distance runners?
- What supplements should I take? Do I even need them?
I gotta say,Posts there's so much information out there, and there's not a lot of answers. I mean, there are answers, but they don't quiet answer my questions.
So far in my search I've found:
- The Endurance Diet book (got it on Kindle)
- The (P)Rehab Guys
- And a host of other folks on YouTube
I'll start with Matt Fitzgerald's Endurance book then go from there.
Will share my learnings soon!
The Window Shoe Shopping Part of my Day
I'm starting to get a shoe obsession.
But then it also introduces more questions. Barefoot running? Carbon something something in shoes? Zero drop?
Regardless, I've been looking at shoes all over the interwebs.
Some of the shoes I have my eyes on:
- Xero Speedforce
- Hoka Bondi (or Cliftons)
- Altra Escalante Racer
- Saucony Endorphin
Anyway, I'm only a week in, so I'm not really going all out buying shoes (not that I have a ton of money to spare anyway).
Even my husband said that I "wouldn't be wearing [my] running shoes for long anyway." Oof. In his defense, I do have a track record of starting projects and not finishing any of them. So he challenged me to prove him wrong.
Challenge accepted.
The Recovering Part of my Day
I've been having trouble sleeping since I started working out. I think it's my body adjusting. I finally got some good sleep last night and I woke up today with 90% of the soreness and minor aches & pains gone.
All in all, a good day so far.
Have a good one!